Romance Kakumei


Here we will inform you about updates to the homepage and the progress of our training.



Technical difficulties, lack of time and total chaos prevented recent updates of this homepage. Gomen nasai!
Anyway, there a changes in our cast and on the videos page. In the gallery you can find progress photos of our stage costumes, thus you can see what awaits you. ^^



The first official Romance Kakumei training was last weekend! ^^
We can proudly annouce that we managed to learn "Wenn ich tanzen will", "Prolog", "Nur kein Genieren" and the curtain call. A video from the training will be available within the next few days. We'd like to thank Jesse from Nansensu for filming. ^_^



Anthy introduced a CG section in the gallery. We would be very grateful for any picture donations. *__*
And if there aren't any, we will fill the gallery with our own kitsch. ^^
Consider this a threat!



There are new photos availbale in the gallery. ^^
Performance photos from Animagic 2005 and Connichi 2005.


German English